Saturday, June 02, 2007

Ridley Y 5K

This morning was the 5K I actually had set out to train for. It was hot! Humid and hot! Angela and I came in together. Our time was 34:15. I may never run again. It only feels good after you are all finished! But boy oh boy it is a really good feeling. Maybe I will run again!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Run for the Cure

I ran. I really really ran the whole 3.1 miles. Go me!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

How's My Running?

Great. Thanks for asking.

Except for a three week break following a really bad cold, I have been faithful to this pursuit; albeit, taking a little liberty in how long I stay at each stage.

Tomorrow I start Week 5, Day 1. I am loving it!

So, it took me 12 weeks, or rather 9 weeks since I was sick, to get through weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4.

I have 8 weeks until the race to finish weeks 5 thru 8 of the nine week program.

I think I will make it right on target for week nine (a full 30 minute run) to coincide with the Ridley Run.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Conversations with my four year old

Four Year Old: Mommy, remember when I told you that I was never going to get married and stay living with you and Daddy? Well, I changed my mind. I am going to get married when I grow up.

Mommy: Really? What changed your mind. Did you meet the man you are going to marry or something?

Four Year Old: Well no, I just decided. But if when I grow up, Jxxxxxx and I are still the same age and he is grown up too, maybe I would marry him. I think I would like that if he liked that.

a few days later . . .

Four Year Old: Remember when I said I was going to get married when I grow up?

Mommy: Yes

Four Year Old: Well, I didn't change my mind again or anything, but I think I am going to live with you and daddy first and then get married when I am 58.

Mommy: Hmm. That's a good plan. That would mean mommy and daddy were 100 years old when you get married.

Four Year Old: Mommy, do you think you and daddy will live 100 years? How about 1000 years?

Mommy: I know we will, if not on earth then in heaven.

Four Year Old: Mom, then if you are talking about living in heaven, then nobody really dies.

Week Something - The Quest contines

But the blogging about it stops.

It just make the whole process feel like work.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Week One(B) - Workout Number Two

I am getting behind on my posts (already)!
I ran early Saturday morning Jan 20 on the treadmill. It was an uneventful work out. It's just not the same on the treadmill as it is outside.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Week One(B) - Workout Number One

I decided to repeat Week One and have dubbed this week One(B).

Cold weather wimp that I am, I did the work out on the treadmill at the Y while Daughter #3 attended her Kindersport class. I brought my headphones but not my ipod to the Y with me! D'Oh! Not really a problem, although I did miss the beat of the music. I went a little over on one of the runs and one of the rests because I was talking to M-J, but also not a problem. I had none of the pain in my upper chest/throat that I got the other day. That is good news.

This workout I describe was actually yesterday. Today as I type, my shins hurt. I also have been doing other treadmill walking both here and at the Y and outside walking. I don't know which is to blame.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Week One - Workout Number Three

Ta Da! Three down, 24 to go. Daughter #2 and I did it together, in a light rain to boot! Dear Husband thinks the work out is too easy and said he would join us when it gets harder. I wish he would come because he is a good motivator though. If I ask nicely, I am sure he will come.

Today was a little harder than the first run. For me it is the breathing. I get a heavy feeling at the top of my chest. I always remember that happening with running, even as a young kid.

That completes week one, however, Daughter #2 and I decided to repeat Week #1 again instead of progressing to Week #2. We have plenty of time to work up to the 3.1 miles, so we might as well do it right.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Week One - Workout Number Two

The weather decided to turn cold. Nonetheless, I saw three people running yesterday when I was out. I am a cold weather wimp.

So daughter#2 and I opted to do our workout on the the treadmill. I was going to let her go first, but she got reading and forgot.

I ended up getting on about 30 minutes before dinner, making it necessary to ask DH to put the food in the over at a certain time.

The dogs decided to join me in the work-out room. The puppy was overly fascinated by the moving belt. I walked the warm up and ran the first segment only to realize I was listening to the sound clip for Week Two. Argh!

Trying to reorient the ipod to what I was doing without stopping my work out was, to say the least, frustrating. I hope the ipod is not broken.

Meanwhile, DH came in to ask me a question about the food and locked the dog and puppy in the work-out room with me. Puppy celebrated by peeing and then pooping. Nice smell. My patience was wearing.

Daughter#2 came in to say A* was on the phone. Thinking she meant Daughter#1, I asked her to tell her I was on the treadmill. However, it was a different A*. Daughter#2 then went into a long explanation of the phone call, which I couldn't hear because of the noise of 1) the treadmill and 2) the noise of the ipod. I turned off the ipod and gave her grief. Made her cry (sorry honey) and then couldn't get the ipod restarted.

My reaction? Let's just assume you wouldn't have wanted to be there.

After a five minute venting rant to the whole family about how come yada yada, I resumed my run.

(Hmm. . . sounds like it was all about me - Oops.)

No ipod this time. It wouldn't restart. I just followed the the time counter on the treadmill.

I suppose it counted as work out. Tommorrow is a new day.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Learning To Fly

Talking to no one in particular here . . .anyone who wants to listen, just pull up a chair -

On the way to swim team practice last night, my 13 year old daughter's friends asked her if she wanted to run in our Y's next 3.1 mile run. A few of them were going to start preparing for it by running after school. She answered"no way" mighty speedily. She offered to be their cheerleader instead or to ride her bike alongside them when they trained.

That got my wheels a churnin'. The run/walk isn't until June 2. I know she can do it. She walked the same distance the last two years with me and my oldest daughter for a breast cancer walk. Last year she even ran most of it, beating me by a long stretch. Plus when she did field hockey in the fall, they made her run every day and she did fine! She can run! She should run.

AOL's Instant Messanger cannot have her. Once swimming ends in a month, there will be nothing to get her off her rear end on a regular basis. There's softball in the Spring, but softball practices don't tend to get too active.

I needed a plan . . . and it had to involve me because she is my shadow.If I do it, she will. If I don't she won't,

Big problem - did I ever mention that I cannot run? I would love to run but just never seemed like I could figure out how. My endurance with biking, swimming or walking is great. Why can't I run? DH says I can, I just have to start slow. I tried that, but never got anywhere.

Google searching last night, I found a program on called The Couch-to-5K Running Plan. It looked perfect, but required a constant knowing of what time it was (i.e. run 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds, repeat 8 times). I knew having to carry and operate a stop watch would really not work well for me.

By inspiration, I decided to check out iTunes for a corresponding podcast. Lo and behold, some wonderful man took the details of this exact program and put them into a podcast. I was so excited!! Now instead of having to track time by a watch, a little voice in my ear would say, "start your five minute warm up now, I will tell you when it is almost over" or "OK, gear up for your first 60 second jog, breathe evenly, leave your arms loose and low" or "OK, we are more than halfway done now and you are doing great."

JOY of JOYs.

Tonight was day one of week one for DH (yeah, drug him into it too), DD13 and me. I wore the headphones and repeated out loud what the voice was telling us to do. In the background a really upbeat techno funk type music played. . . you know the type . . running music.

It was so cool. By the last 60 second run, I was so hyped I started sprinting. Did I mention I sometimes dream of what it would be like to run? I felt like I did in my dreams.

Then my body turned into a lead weight . . . . . but that was OK. The little voice in my ear told me I was finished, and that I should take a five minute walking warm down. So I did.

It was lovely. . kind of like what it must be like learning to fly.

My blog now has a purpose . . . . it is a running journal.